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Shop Online Choosing the products of this brand means obtaining clear and safe results for your hair both from an aesthetic point of view and to protect their health. A company born from the passion of its founder Carmen Tal to want to share with all women the possibility of having an effective treatment and above all suitable for every type of hair, thanks to the active ingredients of Argan oil . The company of this brand is today among the most sought-after brands and present in all e-commerce and quality shops, offering both customers and professionals in the hair style sector the possibility of having concrete results and get healthy and always shiny hair.
Let's find out how the idea of ​​the brand was born, what are the advantages of using its products and the main items available.

The birth of Moroccanoil is linked to an intuition on the part of Carmen Tal, its founder, who immediately identified the potential of the product which is the element of success of this brand: Argan oil. It all started after a hair treatment Carmen Tal received with negative consequences, which took place in the beauty salon she owned in Montreal, before taking a vacation trip to Israel. The result was evident a few days after her departure, with dry and brittle hair and, not wanting to cut it as suggested by some friends, she was convinced by her sister-in-law to go to a local salon. In this place, the spark that will lead to the development of this brand took off, given that the treatment to which she was subjected immediately obtained exceptional results: her hair was soft, shiny and luminous again. When she asked what product they had used, she was told it was simply Argan oil.
Returning to Montreal, Carmen Tal devoted herself to using this natural component to improve the health of all women's hair and together with her husband began to experiment with the possible applications of Argan oil.

In his research he came across an impressive number of studies on this element. But what is Argan oil? It is derived from the fruits of the homonymous tree that grows in the Mediterranean areas, characterized by a very thick stem and small leaves. The processing of Moroccanoil Oil takes place cold, with a system that involves the use of techniques linked to tradition, in order to maintain the active ingredients of this substance. In fact, its beneficial properties on the body were already known in the past, given that Argan oil brings numerous benefits to the skin, to the body when used in food and in particular to the hair.
Argan oil contains a large number of flavonoids as well as mineral salts and vitamins which act as a form of support and nourishment for the scalp, but also intervene in the case of particular situations such as dryness, itching, brittle, dry and dull hair. What was understood by Carmen Tal and on which she focused in the creation of Argan oil-based products are the advantages that this substance can have on the well-being of every woman's hair if used constantly.

This is how the catalog of hair products was born, obtaining the exclusive right in North America for the use of Argan oil and becoming one of the main companies to provide the use of this element in all products: from shampoo to conditioner, from creams to the masks.

What is Oil treatment and all the advantages:
The was the basic project on which the company's subsequent products were developed, offering every woman the possibility of having bright, strong and healthy hair. It is a treatment that can be performed constantly in order to offer the hair the right support of nutrients and emollients necessary for its well-being. You can find this treatment in the format 25 ml ( see here ) Moroccanoil Treatment 100ml ( see here ).
It will be possible to intervene to keep the hair always strong and robust using the Moroccanoil Oil light version ( see here ) and, in case you need to counteract the negative effects of too aggressive products that produce dryness and weakness in the hair, use the original and intensive: moroccan argan oil .

But why use Argan oil-based products? Firstly, the treatment will have an immediate aesthetic effect from the very first applications, with greater luminosity even for situations in which the hair is dry. Furthermore, thanks to the particular characteristics of the oil, the hair fibers will be strong again, avoiding breakage and making them soft. Finally, you will have the possibility, directly at home, to obtain the maximum benefits for the health of your hair, without sacrificing style.

The brand's mission is to offer all women the opportunity to experience their hair in complete freedom, choosing to change color, to give a new style, for example creating ringlets and curls, or making it smooth and silky, without having to worry about damage them. In fact, each product is made in such a way as to contain a percentage of Argan oil to which other natural substances are added which intervene to make the hair healthy and strong. Choosing these products means having the possibility of using the natural active ingredients on a daily basis and with the certainty of having only benefits. To this end the company has developed an impressive catalog of items over the years.

The shampoo and conditioner:
Shampoo and conditioner are products that are used almost daily by women and that must be made in order to cleanse the hair, but without weakening it. In this perspective, attention has been focused on creating a vast range of articles through which it will be possible to have clean hair and at the same time use all the properties of Argan oil to make it shiny and voluminous.
• Dry shampoo: innovation and practicality are the elements that have always characterized this company and for this reason a dry shampoo has been created which will allow you to cleanse your hair quickly and without having to wet it.
• Moroccanoil curl shampoo: a product for those who want to see their curls bright and thick, something possible thanks to the renewed elasticity and flexibility that will be acquired through Argan oil.
Hydrating shampoo ( see here ): the continuous daily race against time often leads to having little time to carry out specific treatments for one's hair, with the effect of making them dehydrated and dry. The use of moisturizing shampoo instead allows you to supply the right nutrients to keep them strong and healthy even after constant washing.
Volume shampoo ( see here ): offering new life and shine to your hair is possible with this product which makes it bright and at the same time hydrating the fibers of the fabrics in order to obtain a perfect aesthetic effect.
• Moroccanoil conditioner ( see here ): you will have different types of conditioner available, which allow you to improve the condition of your hair, moisturizing, maintaining the curly effect, the smooth one and reinforcing the application of a color, through a Moroccanoil mask.

The creams:
Enabling every woman to find the product that suits her needs has led to the creation of a vast number of creams.

• Curl defining cream ( see here ): curl definition cream designed to hydrate and at the same time increase the volume of each individual strand, making them softer and more elastic.

• Volume Lotion ( see here ): a suitable lotion if you want to increase the volume of the hair, giving new life to the hair which will be soft and thicker.

Having the ability to express every woman's style, with full freedom to change her look and hair color has led to the creation of color depositing masks ( see here ). Thanks to it, you will have the possibility of obtaining a moisturizing and invigorating treatment for your hair and at the same time temporarily experimenting with a new color for your hairstyle. From the various shades of red to the most modern colours, such as aquamarine, purple, pink and platinum, the choice is really wide to let your imagination run wild.

If you prefer a particular style, you will have the option of having already selected products in collections. For example, those who appreciate straight hair will have the opportunity to choose the smooth collection, with creams, masks and moisturizing treatments ( see here ).
A selection of anti-frizz products will also be available, to always have perfect hair, or to enhance your curls. Finally, if you need to obtain complete hydration, you can choose the set of articles from the Hydrating collection ( see here ).

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